From Scarcity to Prosperity: My Journey with Hypnosis

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Instead of writing an article about how hypnosis can help someone else, I thought that I’d write a post about how hypnosis has helped me.  I’m a consulting hypnotist and have been at it for almost 20 years now.  I spend my days helping other change their lives and I’ve also used hypnosis to change my life.  So, the article below is a stream of consciousness that I had recently as I reflected on events in my past.   As I wrote it I channeled my earlier self and wrote from that perspective.

 I hope you enjoy it and find some value in it.

What’s stopping me?

What is stopping me from achieving all that I want?  This is a question that I have been asking myself for of years.  I finally have found the answer.  It’s this, my subconscious programming does not match my conscious desires. 

At the conscious level I’d like to be more successful, have greater wealth, my own business and more.  However, my subconscious thinks differently.  It looks at scarcity and constantly worries about money.  Instead of success it fears failure.  Rather than having my own business it values the safety and security of working in a faceless corporation. 

What to do?
So, what to do about this?  The change that is needed is not at the conscious level.  I can consciously think about what I want until the cows come home and it’s likely that I will never see the results.  Conscious thought is about wishing.  Sometimes wishes come true.  More often than not they do not.  Why?  Again, it goes back to the subconscious.

The subconscious is where 95% of my daily thoughts occur.  Now that sounds crazy because the only thoughts that I’m aware of are the thoughts of my conscious mind.  However, the subconscious seldom communicates through the use of an internal dialog.  Instead, it communicates through feelings and emotions. 

Using the example of money for instance, when I think of wealth, I get an uneasy feeling in my body.  Even though I’m thinking of having great wealth, the feeling in my body is of unease.  This unease is a communication from my subconscious indicating that it is thinking something else.  In this case it could be a scarcity of money.  The uneasy feeling is usually followed up by conscious thoughts of scarcity as my conscious mind interprets the uneasy feeling and shifts my thoughts to scarcity instead of prosperity.

How do I feel when this cycle of thinking of wealth, feeling uneasy and then thinking of scarcity ends?  I feel frustrated and at times there’s even a tinge of hopelessness. 

I keep asking myself why?  I’m educated.  I’ve studied self-help and self-improvement.  Why doesn’t it work?  And the answer finally came to me.  I know, I’m a bit thick sometimes. 

Making the change

It’s not about changing my conscious thinking.  Instead, it’s about changing my subconscious thinking.  Using the money example it’s changing from a poverty consciousness to a wealth consciousness.  That’s the only way this is going to change.

Leverage = Pain

Now I have several ways to change my subconscious thinking.  The first way is to have enough leverage to make the change.  Leverage is a code word for “pain”.  If I’m in dire enough straits, the subconscious will do everything in its power to reduce the pain.  However, this only works to the extent that the pain is diminished.  Once I have enough money to be comfortable then the leverage vanishes.  This is what traps people in a life of having enough money to be comfortable and yet not enough to really go out and enjoy life.

Change the programs.

The second way of changing the subconscious is to replace the internal programming.  If I think of the subconscious as a computer that runs stored programs then if I can change out the scarcity program for one of prosperity then the new program will create new thoughts.  This is easier said than done. 

Affirmations and Positive thinking

Most people, me included, have attempted to use affirmations to make this change.  Speaking for myself I’ve not been able to make this work.  I end up getting bored and frustrated with a lack of results and give up.  I know people who have used affirmations and achieved great results.  It just hasn’t worked for me.

Another way that you hear of people attempting to make a change in their life is through “positive thinking”.  I’ve found that this is another way of using  conscious thought and hoping that it will somehow make it’s way into the subconscious.  At this point in time, I think most people are disillusioned with the concept of “positive thinking”.  I know that I certainly am. 


What has worked for me is hypnosis.  I have created recordings that I listen to repeatedly.  I find that these recordings go to the root of the issue and I’m able to make the changes in my life that I desire.  For instance, using the money example, I have a recording that allows me to experience being prosperous.  This translates into a positive feeling in my body.  A positive emotion.  And I create an anchor so that every time I think of money this prosperous feeling comes back automatically.  Using this technique, I’ve been able to align my subconscious thinking with my conscious desires.  Now I have everything moving in the same direction and I’ve had great results.

So that’s my story.  In future blog posts I’m going to delve deeper into the relationship between the subconscious and how it governs our lives.

 If this sounds like your story you’re not alone.  A story similar to this is played out every day in maybe 50% or more of our population.  Just know that you can change the story just like I did.