Master Your Mindset: Harness the Power of Hypnosis for Success


Why Hypnosis for Success?

Simply put, hypnosis improves your chance of success.  Why, because of its ability to create new mental programming that is needed to achieve success. Instead of relying solely on willpower, hypnosis helps move your thoughts of success from conscious daydreams into the realm of the subconscious.  The subconscious controls approximately 95% of our daily actions. This shift allows you to think and act in a manner consistent with achieving your goal.  Reduces the need for willpower.  And pulls you toward the goal. 

Over the years I’ve worked with a wide variety of clients, each looking to succeed in some area of their life.  These clients have included:

  • Salespeople
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Business Professionals
  • Network Marketers 
  • Athletes
  • Anyone looking to Achieve a significant goal

Brief Overview of Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a state of focused imagination. You use your imagination to reprogram your subconscious mind.  This reprogramming, allows your subconscious mind to adopt new beliefs and thought patterns. If you’d like to learn more, you can visit this link for further information.

Defining Success and Goals

What Does Success Mean to You?

“I want to be successful.”  Whether it’s in your professional life or personal life, everyone wants to be successful.  However “being successful” is a concept.  Three’s no tangible way to define it.  And, there’s no way to know when you’ve reached success.  To know that you’ve reached success you need to have tangible goals.

Goals are what motivate you.  Goals are what give you the targets to aim for.  So let’s talk about the types of goals.

The Three Types of Goals

According to one of my mentors,  personal development expert Bob Proctor, there are three types of goals: A type, B type, and C type.

A-Type Goals

Type goals are things you know you can do because they fall within your comfort zone. For example, if you’ve bought a car before, setting a goal to buy another car is an A-type goal.

B-Type Goals

B-type goals are things you think you can do.  They’re just outside your comfort zone. An example of this would be setting a goal to buy a luxurious Mercedes EV vehicle You know how to buy a car so the process of buying is not a problem.  The price tag is a bit intimidating even though you have the money.  This feeling of intimidation moves you just beyond your comfort zone.  

C-Type Goals

C-type goals are your dreams – the ones that seem like fantasies to others and possibly even to yourself. An example of a C-type goal might be starting your own multi-million dollar business.  You’ve never done it.  You don’t know how you’ll do it.  And it’s way outside your comfort zone.  However, these are the goals that really get you excited, inspired, and motivated.

Hypnosis can be a powerful tool for achieving all three types of goals, but it’s especially valuable for those ambitious C-type goals

The Process for Success

Recognizing the Power of Imagination

The secret of reaching your goals has been known throughout the ages. Modern-day authors like Napoleon Hill, Neville Goddard, Ernest Holmes, Joseph Murphy, and Maxwell Maltz all emphasize the importance of harnessing the power of your imagination. To a man, they would all agree that imagination is the power behind goal achievement.

Creating an “Autopilot” for Your Goal

Drawing from Maxwell Maltz’s “Psycho-Cybernetics,” the key to achieving any goal is to put the goal on autopilot.  This is done by imprinting the goal on your subconscious mind.  Once this is done, the subconscious will continually make course corrections as you move towards your goal.  

To create the “autopilot”, you need to engage your imagination, Start by imagining your goal achieved.  Then feel the emotions associated with that achievement.  Finally, convince your subconscious mind that it’s real. 

This is where hypnosis comes in.  Hypnosis can supercharge your imaginative abilities, helping your subconscious mind accept your goal as if it’s already accomplished. Reinforcing this mental programming daily, you’ll begin to think, act, and talk from the perspective of having achieved your goal.

Identifying Limiting Beliefs and Blocks

Part of the process is identifying any limiting beliefs and blocks in your subconscious mind that might be holding you back. Hypnosis can help you uncover these obstacles and remove them, making way for new, empowering beliefs. These new beliefs can then be embedded in your subconscious mind through hypnosis, helping you achieve your goals more efficiently.

Creating Awareness of External Resources

Often overlooked in goal achievement is the importance of being aware of external resources. By activating your reticular activating system (RAS), you can open your mind to new opportunities and resources essential for success. Think of the RAS as a filter that helps prevent information overload. Hypnosis can help communicate to your subconscious mind that new resources are important, effectively adjusting the filter to allow these opportunities into your awareness.

Continued Daily Self-Hypnosis to Build Momentum

To maintain your progress and build momentum, it’s important to continue practicing daily self-hypnosis. Just 20 minutes a day using a recording made specifically for you can reinforce the image of your goal achieved and help you stay on track toward success.


Whether your goal is personal, professional, or somewhere in between, hypnosis can help you achieve it more efficiently and with greater ease. 

Here are five key takeaways from this article:

  • Hypnosis is a powerful tool that can help you achieve a significant goal.
  • For B-type and C-type goals, hypnosis can provide the difference between achieving the goal and failing.
  • Use the power of your imagination to put your goal on “autopilot”..
  • Identifying and removing limiting beliefs and blocks is an essential part of the process, and hypnosis can help you accomplish this. Replacing these obstacles with empowering beliefs can lead to more effective goal achievement.
  • Consistent daily self-hypnosis is vital for building momentum and reinforcing the image of your goal achieved. Just 20 minutes a day with a personalized recording can keep you on track and focused on your desired outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can hypnosis improve my motivation and self-confidence?

A: Hypnosis works by programming your subconscious mind to believe in your ability to achieve your goals. This boosts your motivation and self-confidence.

Q: Is hypnosis only for certain types of goals or can it help with any goal I have in mind?

A: Hypnosis can be beneficial for any goal. It is particularly useful for type C goals, which may seem like a fantasy to others or even yourself.

Q: How does hypnosis help with overcoming limiting beliefs?

A: Hypnosis helps you identify and remove limiting beliefs and blocks by accessing your subconscious mind. It allows you to replace these obstacles with empowering beliefs, leading to more effective goal achievement.

Q: Can hypnosis help me identify new opportunities and resources for success?

A: Yes, hypnosis can activate your reticular activation system (RAS), which helps you become more aware of external resources and opportunities that align with your goals. This increased awareness can lead to identifying the perfect client, location, or other resources needed for success.

Q: How often should I practice self-hypnosis for maximum results?

A: Consistent daily self-hypnosis is vital for building momentum and reinforcing the image of your goal achieved. Just 20 minutes a day with a personalized recording can keep you on track and focused on your desired outcomes.

Q: Can hypnosis help me set better goals and define success more clearly?

A: Yes, hypnosis can guide you through the process of defining success and setting tangible goals that align with your larger vision of success. 

Q: Can hypnosis be used to improve performance in sports or other competitive fields?

A: Yes, hypnosis has been successfully used by athletes and professionals in various fields to enhance performance.