Is Your Manifestation Missing Something? Find Out How to Supercharge the Law of Attraction

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Key Takeaways:

  • Imagination Creates Reality: Vividly imagining and feeling your wish fulfilled imprints it on the subconscious mind, aligning you energetically with that outcome.
  • Emotion Brings Imagination to Life: Simply picturing your desire is not enough. You must feel as if your wish is fulfilled now by embodying the associated emotions fully. This brings your imagination to life.
  • Live in the End Result: Assume the feeling of already having your desire by “living in the end”. Maintain this assumption faithfully regardless of external conditions to allow the imagined state to take form.
  • Develop Visualization Skills: Regular visualization strengthens your ability to focus your imagination and evoke appropriate emotions. Consistent practice builds critical manifestation skills.
  • Hypnosis Reprograms the Subconscious: Hypnosis installs empowering new beliefs in the subconscious mind to replace old limiting patterns. This aligns the conscious and subconscious to accelerate results.


The Law of Attraction has become an increasingly popular concept in recent years for manifesting one’s desires. While the general principles of focusing your thoughts on what you want to attract into your life are well known, less mainstream is the unique interpretation and approach of Neville Goddard.  Neville’s approach was more than just positive thinking.

Neville Goddard was a profoundly influential New Thought author and lecturer in the mid-20th century. He offered a distinctive perspective on how to leverage the Law of Attraction that emphasized imagination and evoking emotional states connected to your desires. Goddard taught that to manifest effectively, one must live and through creative visualization imagine “as if” the reality they wish to create is already here. This imagination of the wish fulfilled, felt emotionally as truth, is key.

In the following sections, we’ll delve deeper into Neville Goddard’s teachings and the vital role of imagination, emotion, and felt experience in his manifestation techniques. Understanding his approach can help you use the Law of Attraction in a more intentional, empowered way to manifest your heartfelt desires.

Who Was Neville Goddard?

Neville Goddard was born in 1905 in Barbados as the fourth child in a family of nine boys and one girl. As a young man he found his passion in metaphysical and spiritual studies.

Goddard’s teachings emphasized the power of imagination and assumption in shaping one’s reality. He taught that the human imagination is God itself – the source of all creation. To manifest desires, one must assume the feeling and mindset of already having acquired them. This assumption, when persisted in faithfully, allows manifestation to unfold.

Central to Goddard’s interpretation of the Law of Attraction was the idea that imagination is the only reality. He stated, “An unimagined life is not worth living.” Using techniques like visualization and inner conversations before sleep, Goddard suggested believers could recreate their outer world from visions within.

Mainstream Law of Attraction teachings often focus on positive thinking, vision boards, and affirmations to attract desires. While useful in their own right, these tools differ from Goddard’s intensive use of imagination and complete mental embodiment of the wish fulfilled. For Goddard, imagination was the cause, not the effect, of material manifestation.

Neville Goddard’s Interpretation of the Law of Attraction

The cornerstone of Neville Goddard’s teachings is the concept that imagination creates reality. He taught that the imagination is not just for idle daydreaming, but for the deliberate manifestation of the life you desire.

This relates deeply to the Law of Attraction, which states that focusing your attention on what you wish to manifest attracts those very things to you. Goddard took this a step further, teaching that vividly imagining and feeling your desire as already achieved is what brings it into being.

Feeling was equally as important as imagination for Goddard. He instructed students to bring the wish fulfilled into their present reality by assuming the feeling tone of already having acquired what they desired, whether money, relationships, or any other outcome.

Assumption, paired with persistence and faith in maintaining the resultant feeling, allows what is imagined taking objective form over time. Assuming the mindset of the fulfilled desire is to “live in the end” of your intention.

Bringing this creative approach to everyday life, Goddard suggested using techniques like visualization, inner conversations, and feeling your wish fulfilled right before sleep. In this relaxed, receptive state, imagination and assumption can reprogram your subconscious mind.

With consistency, Goddard’s approach to the Law of Attraction gives you the tools to harness your imagination as the causal agent in manifesting your deepest desires.

The Importance of Imagination, Emotion, and Feeling in Manifestation

Imagination is the cornerstone of Neville Goddard’s approach to manifestation. He taught that consciously and vividly imagining your desire will begin imprinting it on your subconscious mind, aligning you with that reality. Imagination is not passive daydreaming, but an active shaping of the unseen matrix of creation.

However, robust imagination alone is not enough if it is merely an exercise of the conscious mind. Goddard emphasized the vital importance of pairing vivid imagination with actually feeling in your body that your desire is fulfilled now. This integration of imagination plus felt emotional experience is the special sauce in Goddard’s teachings.

Without deep emotional engagement, imagination remains an inert mental fantasy. The emotions of wish fulfillment breathe life force into your mental movie, catalyzing it into physical reality. Feeling your desire as already achieved was equally as important as picturing it clearly for Goddard.

This emotional embodiment is critical because subconscious beliefs and assumptions either assist or obstruct your capacity to fully feel your wish fulfilled. Limiting beliefs like “I am unworthy” or “It’s too good to be true” buried in the subconscious can block you from genuinely experiencing the emotions of acquisition.

Such limiting patterns exert their influence automatically outside of conscious control. No matter how vividly you imagine your desire consciously, subconscious contradictions manifesting as tension or numbness can inhibit truly feeling it as already yours.

Techniques Goddard prescribed, like visualizing before sleep, help reshape sabotaging subconscious patterns through repetition. Absorbing the sensory and emotional experience of your fulfilled desire nightly can gradually transform corrosive undercurrents into constructive currents.

With disciplined practice, your conscious imagination and its “reflection” of emotions and somatic cues become powerfully synchronized. This harmonic resonance signals to the universe that this outcome already exists in the unseen causal field. Creation then mirrors this resonance into material form.

Robust imagination bears fruit most powerfully when unified with tangible felt experience of wish fulfillment. Congruently impressing your subconscious mind with the multi-dimensional experience of having your desire is what magnetizes its manifestation. This unity of imagination, visceral emotion, and embodied belief represents the cornerstone of Neville Goddard’s teachings.

Using Visualization to Enhance Imagination and Emotion

Visualization is the process of actively picturing your desire in your mind as if it is already real. This mental technique is a powerful tool that can enhance the imagination and access the emotions needed to accelerate manifestation according to Neville Goddard.

Vividly visualizing your wish fulfilled trains your subconscious mind to accept this new reality. Mental rehearsal prepares you to naturally act on inspiration and opportunities aligned with your desire when they arise. There is a feedback loop between inner imagination/feeling and outer manifestation.

Effective visualization techniques Goddard prescribed include relaxing deeply, closing your eyes, and walking through a mental movie where your wish is already fulfilled. Make your inner pictures crisp and layered with sensory details – see, hear, touch, smell, and taste elements of your manifested desire. The more lifelike, the better.

Engaging your senses fully in your inner world enhances emotional embodiment. Absorbing the feelings of wish fulfillment trains your nervous system that this is your new reality, hastening full materialization. Feel gratitude, joy, optimism, pride regarding your visualized desire.

Practical tips for daily practice include starting mornings by closing your eyes and vividly envisioning your day unfolding exactly as you wish. Or visualize your desire fulfilled right before sleep when accessing the subconscious is easiest. Even brief visualizations successfully impress your deeper mind.

For example, an individual wanting to attract a new home would spend time clearly picturing themselves walking through the rooms, feeling the textures, smelling the wood stove fire. They immerse themselves in the felt experience of already living there. This person indeed manifested their dream home quickly.

Common challenges like doubt or distraction can be overcome through discipline. Gently guide your mental focus back to your vivid inner visions. With regular practice, you build your visualization stamina and emotional embodiment skills.

Consistent visualization paired with full sensory and emotional engagement enhances your ability to harness imagination and summon positive emotions on demand. Make this practice a part of your daily routine to magnify your manifestation skills.

How Hypnosis Can Enhance Visualization and Speed Up the Law of Attraction

As we’ve explored, visualizing, and feeling your desire fulfilled is central to Neville Goddard’s teachings. However, many find this difficult or impossible. No matter how hard they consciously visualize, they can’t evoke the full emotional experience. 

Here’s an example.  Assume that you are seeking financial abundance.  However, you are living paycheck to paycheck in a dead-end job.  In this situation it’s hard to create the image, emotions and physical feelings that would go with financial abundance.  Why? Because your subconscious mind still has a scarcity mindset while you are consciously attempting to imagine financial freedom.

This incongruence between conscious and subconscious minds is frustrating! Your dreams feel out of reach. But there is a solution to finally unlock the Law of Attraction in your life – hypnosis.

Hypnosis is one of the best tools of manifestation.  With hypnosis, you can rapidly align your conscious and subconscious beliefs for enhanced visualization and faster manifestation. Just imagine finally being able to feel your heart’s desires as already true on a deep, gut level.

Think of the joy, relief, and abundance that would flow into your life once any inner conflicts are resolved through hypnosis. You can make this emotional breakthrough a reality.

Logically, hypnosis provides the missing key because the hypnotic state allows direct reprogramming of subconscious limiting patterns. You can install new empowering assumptions that support rather than contradict your conscious intentions.

Hypnosis gives you the power to visualize effortlessly while finally immersing yourself in the positive emotions of your wish fulfilled. There is no better catalyst for realizing your dreams according to the Law of Attraction.

Why continue struggling? Call now to book a hypnosis session and rapidly align your deepest mind with your heart’s desires. Make your visualizations magnetic. The results will speak for themselves.

What is Hypnosis?

If you’re new to hypnosis, it may sound unusual at first. But it’s simply a relaxed, focused state we can all access to make beneficial changes. When hypnotized, you remain fully in control – it’s not a sleep state. You stay awake and aware the whole time.

What happens is you become open to suggestions for improving your life. It’s like being absorbed in a movie and bypassing your usual critical thoughts. This allows the hypnotist’s voice to reach deeper levels of your mind directly.

So you can change limiting beliefs, habits, even unlock hidden potential! The hypnotist guides your imagination using visualization and mental imagery. I know – it sounds almost too good to be true.

But most people can be hypnotized if they remain open minded. All it takes is allow yourself to relax and follow the hypnotist’s soothing voice. The results can be life changing.

I suggest trying it online with a qualified hypnotist. You get to work one-on-one in the comfort of your own home. And you stay awake and in control the whole time. Give it a chance and you may be surprised how much positive change is possible.

When your conscious and subconscious align through hypnosis, it’s amazing what you can achieve. You really can unlock your deepest potential. Why not find out firsthand?


In summary, Neville Goddard offered a uniquely empowering interpretation of the Law of Attraction by emphasizing imagination and feeling as the causal forces in conscious creation.

Key points we explored include how imagination creates reality according to Goddard, the vital role of emotion and assuming the wish fulfilled, and techniques like visualization and hypnosis for impressing desires onto the subconscious mind.

While Goddard taught decades ago, his principles are equally relevant today and can enhance anyone’s Law of Attraction approach. Living imaginatively and emotionally now in the state of your fulfilled desire can help attract it faster.

If you feel your Law of Attraction efforts have been ineffective so far, why not experiment with Neville Goddard’s practices? Set aside time each day for visualization while absorbing the positive emotions of success. Or use hypnosis recordings to reprogram limiting beliefs at the subconscious level.

Lean into the infinite creative power within you and persist in living “in the end.” With discipline and practice, you can master manifestation according to Neville Goddard’s teachings.

For more information on how hypnosis can supercharge your Law of Attraction, visit or call (330) 904-8441.

Example Site – Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions

Who was Neville Goddard?

Neville Goddard was a mid-20th century New Thought author and lecturer. He introduced a unique interpretation of the Law of Attraction, emphasizing imagination and emotional states as key elements in manifesting desires.

What’s unique about Neville Goddard’s interpretation of the Law of Attraction?

Neville Goddard emphasized the role of imagination and emotion in manifestation. He believed that imagining and feeling your desire as if it’s already achieved are what brings it into being, rather than just focusing on positive thinking.

Why are imagination, emotion, and feeling important in manifestation?

According to Goddard, the human imagination is the source of all creation. Imagination and emotion together can shape reality. Without emotional engagement, imagination remains just a mental fantasy. The emotions give life to your mental pictures, turning them into physical reality.

How can visualization enhance manifestation?

Visualization is the process of actively picturing your desire in your mind as if it is already real. This mental technique can enhance the imagination and access the emotions needed to accelerate manifestation according to Neville Goddard.

How can hypnosis enhance visualization and speed up the Law of Attraction?

Hypnosis can rapidly align your conscious and subconscious beliefs for enhanced visualization and faster manifestation. It allows direct reprogramming of subconscious limiting patterns, enabling you to visualize effortlessly and immerse yourself in the positive emotions of your wish fulfilled.

What is hypnosis and how does it work?

Hypnosis is a natural state of focused relaxation and heightened suggestibility. During hypnosis, you can reprogram your subconscious mind more easily to change limiting beliefs and habits. You remain fully in control when hypnotized.

Other Uses of Hypnosis

Align Your Mindset and Goals: Hypnosis is a powerful way to get your mindset and goals aligned. It helps you overcome subconscious barriers and instills motivation to propel you towards your goals.

Hypnosis for Self-Confidence: Build your self-confidence by using hypnosis to replace negative self-beliefs with positive affirmations about yourself. This boosts self-esteem.

A Holistic Approach to Weight Loss: Incorporate hypnosis into a holistic weight loss plan to transform your attitudes about healthy eating and exercise.

Sleep Improvement: Manage sleep disorders and improve sleep quality by using hypnosis to promote total relaxation and change negative sleep beliefs.

Hypnosis for Motivation: Boost motivation by using hypnosis to cultivate a positive, empowered mindset and strong desire to pursue your goals.

Hypnosis for Fear of Success: Target subconscious beliefs fueling fear of success with hypnosis techniques like visualization and reframing. This allows you to grow.