Frequently Asked Questions
What is Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy?
Hypnosis is a state of focused consciousness often associated with deep relaxation. Hypnosis is a naturally occuring state of mind. In fact, you’ve probably already experienced a light level of hypnosis in your daily life. Missing an exit while you are driving is an example of hypnosis called highway hypnosis. Or, have you ever watched a movie and been surprised to find out that three hours have just flown by. This is time distortion, another phenomena that is common in hypnosis.
Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis to move someone towards health and wellness. Hypnotherapy uses the naturally occuring state of hypnosis to allow you to make changes in your life.
Can anyone be hypnotized?
Anyone of normal intelligence can be hypnotized and benefit from hypnosis. Using modern hypnosis techniques, anhyone who can follow instructions can experience the benefits of hypnosis.
What is hypnosis like?
Each person has a different experience with hypnosis. Some common elements of the experience include:
- A deep sense of relaxation
- Feeling at peace or serenity
- Increased ability to visualize
- Increased memory
- Complete memory of the hypnotic experience. This is a surprise for many people
Other experiences may include a feeling of weightlessness or the opposite, a feeling of heaviness. Remember, each person’s experience is different. If you try to compare your experience with someone else’s, don’t be surprised if each experience has some commonality and some differences.
What are the benefits of hypnosis?
Hypnosis has a large variety of benefits such as:
- Stop Smoking
- Weight Loss
- Stress Management
- Improve Self-esteem
- Eliminate Fears
- Reduce anxiety
- Improve Self-discipline
- Sports Improvement
- Eliminating roadblocks to success
- Headaches
- Chronic Pain Management
- Bed Wetting
- Bruxism – Teeth grinding
- Anger Management
And these are just some of the ways that hypnosis can help.
If you’re not sure whether or not you can be helped by hypnosis, give us a call at (330) 305-6872 or send us an email at We’ll be happy to discuss the possibility of using hypnosis for your benefit.
. We’ll be happy to discuss the possibility of using hypnosis for your benefit.. We’ll be happy to discuss the possibility of using hypnosis for your benefit.. We’ll be happy to discuss the possibility of using hypnosis for your benefit.. We’ll be happy to discuss the possibility of using hypnosis for your benefit.. We’ll be happy to discuss the possibility of using hypnosis for your benefit.
Is Hypnosis safe?
Yes, hypnosis is safe. Modern hypnosis has been used for over 200 years and in this time, no one has ever been hurt.
The American Medical Association sanctioned the use of hypnosis in 1958. Since then, millions of people have used hypnosis to overcome a variety of challenges.Hypnotists commonly receive referrals from medical and psychological professionals.
Can I get stuck in hypnosis?
No! Hypnosis is a condition of mental and physical relaxation. The worst thing that can happen to you during hypnosis is that you fall asleep. If this happens, you’ll wake up normally and have enjoyed a very relaxing, enjoyable sleep.
Will I do anything silly or embarrassing?
For most people, their first introduction to hypnosis is at a comedy club or other entertainment venue. The purpose of hypnosis in this instance is purely entertainment. That’s why they have the participants do all kinds of “crazy” stunts, it entertains the crowd.
A therapeutic hypnosis session is quite different. When Hypnosis is used therapeutically, the purpose is to create a change in the persons behavior. All clients are treated in a professional manner just like you are treated when you visit a doctor or dentist.
If I’m hypnotized am I under the control of the hypnotist?
This is a fear that stems from too many “D” movies. Hypnosis is a collaborative process. Think of it as a dance in which the hypnotist leads and the client, the partner, follows. Just like in a dance, the partner has the ability to quit at any time. You are never under the control of the hypnotist. In fact, in order to be hypnotized, you must mentally give permission to the hypnotist. No permission, no hypnosis.
Can I be made to do something I don’t want to do?
Another fear stemming from “D” movies. The answer to this is a simple “NO“.
First, the hypnotist is a professional and will never suggest something that will be immoral or illegal.
Second, your own moral programming is too deep for the hypnotist to overcome. Any attempt by the hypnotist to give a suggestion that goes against your programming will be rejected by your subconscious mind. A suggestion that violates your values can even terminate the hypnosis if your subsconscious mind believes that terminating the hypnosis is appropriate. Remember, you mentally have to give permission for the hypnosis and can withdraw this permission at any time.
Can I be hypnotized against my will?
One more fear from the “D” movies. And once more, the answer is “NO“. As was mentioned in another question, hypnosis is a collaborative process. Unless you give permission, the hypnotist cannot hypnotize you. In fact, many people who have tried to be hypnotized without success were not hypnotized for this very reason. They did not want to be hypnotized and therefore were not.
Can children be hypnotized?
Yes. Child of all ages can be hypnotized. For the best results, the practical earliest age is 5 years old. Children can benefit from hypnosis in any number of ways such as:
- Bed wetting
- Weight loss
- Nail biting
- Eliminating unfounded fears
- Better memory
- Test preparation