
  • Quick fix diets don’t work long-term. To lose weight for good, take a holistic approach that considers mental, emotional, hormonal, and lifestyle factors.
  • Identify and manage emotional eating triggers like stress, boredom, or sadness. Practice new coping strategies.
  • Hormones like insulin and cortisol heavily influence weight gain and loss. Choose foods that help regulate them.
  • Find an eating plan that fits your preferences and lifestyle. Focus on whole, minimally processed foods.
  • Incorporate regular exercise for overall health, not just calorie burn. Prioritize activities you enjoy and will stick to.


Hey there! If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve tried losing weight in the past but just couldn’t seem to make it stick long-term. I’ve been there too. Crash diets, juice cleanses, hours at the gym – you name it, I’ve tried it.

The thing is, most quick-fix weight loss solutions don’t work in the long run. Our bodies are complex machines with many interconnected systems. To create lasting change, we need to take a bigger picture view and make lifestyle changes that work with, not against, our natural rhythms.

In this article, I’ll walk you through the key elements of a holistic approach to weight loss, including how to:

  • Address the emotional and mental drivers of overeating
  • Understand how hormones influence weight gain and loss
  • Choose an eating plan that works best for you
  • Incorporate exercise the right way
  • Use tools like hypnosis to support new healthy habits

Get ready to learn some science-backed strategies for losing weight and keeping it off for good!

Why Crash Diets Don’t Work

Before we dive into the holistic approach, let’s look at why most diets fail in the long run.

Many popular weight loss diets are based around limiting calories. The idea is that if you consume less energy (calories) than your body uses, you’ll start burning stored fat. Makes sense, right?

Here’s the problem: our bodies are designed to resist starvation. When we severely slash calories, our metabolism slows down to compensate. Once your body adapts, that initial weight loss stops.

Not only that, but limiting entire food groups can leave you nutrient deficient. And good luck staying motivated when you’re hungry all the time!

For lasting weight loss, we need an approach that works with, not against, our biology. Let’s look at how.

Address Emotional Eating Patterns

For many people, overeating is triggered by difficult emotions like stress, boredom, sadness, or frustration. Food offers comfort and distraction from unpleasant feelings.

These emotional eating habits often start in childhood, like turning to food when upset or being told to “clean your plate.” They can become deeply ingrained subconscious patterns.

The first step is identifying your personal overeating triggers. Start paying attention to when and why you reach for unhealthy foods. Are there certain activities, times of day, or emotions that typically precede it?

Once you know your triggers, there are several ways to manage them:

  • Find alternative coping strategies – Go for a walk, call a friend, meditate, take a bath – find what works for you.
  • Practice mindful eating – When a craving hits, pause and check in with how you’re really feeling, both emotionally and physically.
  • Use visualization – Imagine yourself responding differently, perhaps going for a walk instead of eating.
  • Try hypnosis – Hypnotherapy can help replace unhealthy eating habits with new, positive responses.

Be patient with yourself as you work to break old patterns. Over time, the new habits will stick.

Understand the Hormonal Impact

Here’s another reason restrictive diets backfire: they ignore our hormones. Key hormones like insulin and cortisol regulate appetite, fat storage, and metabolism.

Spiking and crashing blood sugar causes an imbalance in insulin. High insulin signals your body to store fat rather than burn it.

Stress hormone cortisol also triggers fat storage, especially around the midsection. It’s your body’s way of ensuring quick energy access to handle threats.

The takeaway? Managing hormones is crucial for weight loss. Here are some tips:

  • Adopt a low glycemic diet – Focus on foods that minimally impact blood sugar. Limit added sugars.
  • Manage stress – Try daily meditation, more sleep, relaxing hobbies. Lowering cortisol helps normalize appetite and fat burning.
  • Stay active – Exercise helps regulate insulin sensitivity and blood sugar levels.
  • Consider intermittent fasting – Limiting eating windows gives insulin levels a chance to drop, enabling fat burn.

As you choose an eating plan, pay attention to how different foods make you feel – sluggish or energized? This feedback can help guide better choices.

Find an Eating Approach That Works For You

When it comes to choosing a dietary approach, there is no one “best” plan. You need to find what is sustainable and meets your individual needs. Consider factors like:

  • Health conditions – Are you managing diabetes or heart disease? Prioritize heart-healthy whole foods.
  • Food preferences – Don’t force yourself to eat foods you hate! Work with your tastes.
  • Cooking habits – Are you a cook or short on time? Pick simple recipes.
  • Lifestyle – Does your job involve lots of eating out? Opt for plans with flexibility.
  • Budget – Seek out cost-effective real foods like beans, eggs, veggies.

No matter what eating style you choose, the same basic principles apply:

  • Prioritize whole, minimally processed foods
  • Load up on vegetables
  • Choose lean proteins like chicken, fish, beans
  • Limit added sugar and refined carbs
  • Stay hydrated with water and unsweetened drinks

Focus on adding in healthy foods rather than restricting “bad” ones. Moderation of treats is key for sustainability.

Incorporate Exercise the Right Way

While exercise alone won’t lead to dramatic weight loss, it offers many benefits:

  • Supports metabolism and hormone regulation
  • Reduces emotional eating urges
  • Strengthens the heart and lungs
  • Improves energy and sleep

Aim for a mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises most days of the week. Start where you are – even light walking is beneficial.

Just remember that you can’t out-exercise a poor diet. Nutrition adjustments need to come first for weight loss. View physical activity as an important piece of your overall health, not just a calorie burn.

Pro Tip: Schedule exercise you actually enjoy! It’s easier to stick to.

Leverage Tools Like Hypnosis

Willpower alone is rarely enough to override lifelong eating habits. This is where tools like hypnosis can make a big difference.

Hypnosis helps retrain the subconscious mind, rooting out old triggers and replacing them with positive associations. You can use it to:

  • Stop stress-induced eating
  • Eliminate sugar and junk food cravings
  • Create self-confidence around food choices
  • Form new healthy habits with less effort
  • Stick to your eating plan and fitness goals

Look for a certified hypnotherapist who specializes in weight loss. Many offer customizable programs to fit your unique needs.

Stay Motivated With Support

Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of support and accountability on your weight loss journey. Having cheerleaders in your corner makes a huge difference.

Turn to positive friends and family who will encourage your efforts. Seek out like-minded people online or in local groups. Consider hiring a coach or trainer to help you stay on track.

And most importantly – be your own best advocate! Celebrate small victories, practice self-compassion on bad days, and keep your eye on the (healthy) prize.

Wrapping Up

Losing weight in a lasting way takes a big picture view. By addressing the mental and hormonal drivers of overeating, choosing a sustainable eating plan, staying active, and leveraging tools like hypnosis, you set yourself up for long-term success.

Ditch the quick fixes and treat your body right. Stay consistent, be patient with yourself, get support, and adopt lifestyle habits that work for YOU.

You’ve got this! Here’s to reaching your healthiest and happiest weight yet.

Digging Deeper – Recommended Resources

Now that you’ve got the basics on a holistic approach to weight loss, you may want to dig deeper into the science behind it.

I recommend checking out materials from two doctors doing great research in this area:

Dr. Jason Fung

Dr. Fung is a nephrologist (kidney specialist) who has become a leading expert on intermittent fasting and low-carb diets for weight loss. His book The Obesity Code explains the hormonal factors behind obesity in clear, easy-to-understand language.

Fung also has a ton of great educational videos on YouTube covering insulin, fasting, what to eat and more. I linked to a whole playlist of his videos above – they’re absolutely worth checking out.

Dr. Pradip Jamnadas

Dr. Jamnadas is a cardiologist with extensive knowledge on how nutrition affects weight management and overall health. He’s another fantastic science-based resource.

I recommend starting with his video “The Surprising Ways Modern Food Affects Our Waistline and Overall Health” for an overview. Jamnadas also has playlists dedicated specifically to weight loss and women’s health.

Both doctors reference lots of scientific studies and have years of clinical experience. Their materials are very educational for anyone looking to learn more about the topics we covered today.

Hope these resources help you on your weight loss and better health journey!

Losing Weight for Good: A Holistic Approach