3 Surprising Benefits of Hypnosis for Goal Achievement


The journey towards achieving our goals can sometimes be hindered by mental barriers, lack of motivation, and a negative mindset. In this article, we explore how hypnosis can help in overcoming these obstacles. 

Benefit 1: Overcoming Barriers

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in your own head, unable to break through barriers that are holding you back from achieving your goals?  Under the covers, barriers are just beliefs that you have that run counter to your goal.  What do I mean by this?  Let me use an example to explain.

Let’s say that you are a salesperson and as part of the job you have to pick up the phone and cold call prospects.  This is a big part of your job.  Consciously you know that you need to do this.  However, each time you think about picking up the phone your fear grips you and you suddenly find 10 other things to do.  This is a mental barrier, a set of beliefs. 

What can you do about this?  There are several ways to overcome this barrier.  The most common way is through willpower.  You consciously decide to power your way through the calls.  It’s not pleasant.  You’ll still dread making the calls.  And I suspect that you will not be at the top of your game because all you really want to do is to get off the phone.

Here’s a better way.  Through techniques like hypnosis, you can go directly to the subconscious mind where beliefs are stored.  Using hypnosis you can uncover the underlying beliefs and then either change the belief or remove it.  Whichever is more appropriate.  Once this is done, you will be a cold-calling machine.

Benefit 2: Increased Motivation

What if you’re struggling with staying motivated.?  You have a goal and you just cannot seem to keep your enthusiasm up. 

Let’s use you as our salesperson again.  Suppose that there is a sales contest and at the end of the year the top salesperson receives a new car.  Nice!  You’d think that alone would be all that any salesperson would need to work 110% every day.   Not you!  Yes, in the beginning, you gave it some effort however as the days and weeks went on your motivation begins to wane.  You start to find reasons why you really don’t want the car.  “I already have a nice car, so I don’t need a new one”.  Or “I’ll probably have to pay a tax on the car so why bother”.  Both are rationalizations that let you off the hook. 

What’s going on under the covers?  This time it’s not a belief that is holding you back.  Instead, it’s the lack of a mental image of you being handed the keys to the car and driving it away to the applause of your manager and co-workers.

Motivation is driven by one of two basic emotions: fear of pain or pursuit of pleasure.  In our earlier example of cold-calling, the use of willpower was driven by the fear of being fired.  That fear only works to the point that you’re doing enough to not get fired. 

The more powerful goal-oriented motivator is the pursuit of pleasure.  This type of motivation urges you forward. 

So how do you create a positive motivator?  You create a mental movie of yourself winning the car, Receiving the keys then driving away in triumph.    Then through visualization, self-hypnosis, or listening to a recording created specifically for him by a hypnotist, you play the over and over again.  Each repetition increases motivation.  Now you’re is unstoppable!

 Benefit 3:  Improved Mindset

The third benefit is an improved mindset.  The mindset in this instance is the percentage of negative thoughts to positive thoughts.  And a negative mindset is when you have more negative thoughts than positive thoughts.

Negative thoughts are dream killers!  Just when you get started negative thoughts rear their ugly head and pow, you’re back to square one.   What causes these negative thoughts?  Once again, it’s beliefs.  People call them negative beliefs.  So where do negative beliefs come from?

Negative beliefs are most often associated with a person’s self-image.   And the self-image is simply a set of beliefs that you hold as true.  You can identify the negative self-image by filling in the blank to “I’m not … enough” or “I don’t have …”.    

So how does hypnosis help here?  It’s the same process as overcoming barriers.  First, the limiting self-image belief is identified.  Then it is either modified or removed.  The amazing thing about hypnosis with a trained hypnotist is that you can not only remove negative self-image beliefs, but you can also create new empowering beliefs where none existed before.  You can create an entirely new persona if you desire!


So there you have it, hypnosis can be a powerful tool for achieving goals in three surprising ways. With the help of a trained professional, hypnosis can be a valuable addition to one’s goal achievement toolkit.